About us

Aleppo soap is considered the ancestor of contemporary soaps. Some say it is over 3000 years old. What is certain is that it is an exceptional soap. To use it is to go back to basics, it is to cross the door that communicates with nature and our mother earth to receive the best that it has to give us. It is therefore Aleppo soap that we have chosen to produce to open our range of cosmetics.

Our soaps are handcrafted in Belgium, excluding 99% of the products available on the cosmetics market.

The chemicals used in cosmetics act in a very insidious way because most of the time their negative effects are manifested only in the long term. However, these effects are not negligible.

The precautionary principle should insist all of us to rule out these products which are hidden in many everyday consumer products of which soaps are part.

It is in this spirit of precaution that we have developed our small range of soaps. Indeed, by asking ourselves the question of what is it that we are aiming for in making our soaps. Our answer was simple: the best soap for each of us. Our master soap maker, who himself comes from the world of the chemical industry, has thus established the fundamental principles of our approach:

• prohibit the use of any unnecessary chemical;
• use the finest vegetable oils;
• reduce the number of ingredients to a strict minimum;
• offer soaps for all budgets;...
• offer soaps for all budgets;
• remain specialized in what we do best;
• ensure total transparency as to our ingredients and compositions;
• remain open to all criticism and innovative proposals.